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Futures trading data exchange protocol

Standard No.: JR/T 0016—2014
Standard Chinese name: 期货交易数据交换协议
Standard English name: Futures trading data exchange protocol
Issue Date: 2014-12-26
Implementation Date: 2014-12-26
Drafting Unit: IT Center, China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Financial Futures Exchange, Shanghai Futures Exchange, Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange, Dalian Commodity ExchangeChina Futures Margin Monitoring Center Corporation Limited.
Draftman: Wang Bowei, Zhang Hao, Li Xiaoping, Duan Qiguo, Yao Zhenfeng, Zhao Honghao, Wu Yubo, Lin Lin, Jin Shengxue, Zhang Beizhan, Tao Jin, Zheng Yongkang, She Pengfei.
Standard Scope: This standard specifies the data format, data definition and data content used in data exchange between exchanges and member units, and establishes the structure, message format, data dictionary and operation mechanism of the data exchange protocol.

This standard applies to data exchange and communication between exchange system and member system. This standard can also be applied to data exchange and communication within exchanges, within members, between exchanges or between members.

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